After a week of upgrading to Linux Mint 21.2 Victoria , I must admit that while I notice some of the visual improvements, of the most part I'm glad that for the most part all has been the usual for my daily use. Which, to be honest, is a great thing. Things just keep working great, nothing has broken and I can continue to use by laptop as I expect to be able to do on a daily basis. Which is something I want to be able to do as a user, I just want upgrades not to make my life harder. Linux Mint is really an elegant OS that just works. Linux Mint has become a Linux distro that I can wholeheartedly recommend to new Linux users, and to experienced Linux users that want a distro that isn't that hands on and just works allowing them to focus on what they use they computer for. In a way, Linux Mint slogan that from freedom came elegance is true. The whole user experience feels modern, and elegant. I can't talk for the MATE and Xfce versions of Linux Mint, since I use Cinnamon a...
My point of view on technology and how it affects our life.