
Make Mass Transit An Option...

The importance of public transit doesn't seem to understood by many, both by politicians and the common people as the attack on California's railroad shows.

There is a need to make it easier for people and goods to move around in other ways than cars, both locally and on longer trips. Cars aren't the most efficient or environmentally friendly way to do so, as such there need to be options to help people leave it behind that are as practical and easy as their car.

As cities grow, there is a need to move away from cars to really move as much people as possible in an efficient, friendly, and easy around. We need to make mass transit an integral part of our cities, one that adds value to them and the first option to move around them. In a way, we need to make people feel at home at their communities, not just at their house or apartment.

There need to many reasons for people want to get out and to know that happens around them. What local shops have to offer, and who patronize them. Who are their neighbors, and to make what happens on their community something worth knowing and being a part of it. A bus system, subways and the like can make this happen by allowing people to actually move in a way that allows meaningful interactions with their community and other people.

Mass transit benefits are to many to ignore, and they impact to many different areas of our lives in a positive way.


Only together can we build a better world...

One of the things that Donald Trumps actions as the US president have shown, is how interconnected the world has become. All countries, and their citizens, are connected to each other in some way.

Directly, or indirectly, all what one country does affects all others. The world has really become smaller, and we all can feel the impact of what happens in any other place in some way or another. We all have to face the fact that no country can so things all on its own, and that it's on everyone best interest to continue the integration to be able to improve every person quality of life.

The question isn't if global integration is good, its how to do so in a way that it benefits as many people as possible and how to reduce the negative effects.

Instead of building walls, we should be building bridges and trust. Only through cooperation can we hope to build a better future. Only by bringing people in, and giving them a stake on the future we want to build, there is a real chance that we can actually build such a future.

Dividing people, or trying to keep them divided, will only mean that we won't have the better world we all want and work hard to build. Only by working together, in concert with each other, there is a chance to build that world we want to live in.

The focus should be on making any one country great, but to help humanity as a whole achieve greatness together. Divided we'll fall, together we'll reach far beyond our wildest dreams.

Curious about the iPhone user experience.

Even though I'm looking forward to the Android 15  on my Google Pixel 7a , I still see the iPhone  and wonder how would be using it as a...