
Earth is a small place, and is set to become even smaller.

Nowadays, is easy to forget how much smaller the world has become with modern telecommunications, car, and air travel.

The Internet, and mobile telephony, allows us to be in contact with just about anyone instantly no matter the time or distance between the people. And with the cost of entry, and of the services themselves, becoming lower with time, more people are joining the networks.

In some cases, with the right tools or apps, teleconferences are possible; even when not everyone being at the same physical location. This allows for meetings that couldn't be done before because it wasn't possible to connect more than two points in a single call, or it was simply to expensive to do so.

Even some international calls are becoming so cheap, that they are becoming trivial for a larger amount of people to make on the regular basis. For example, calls to the US and Canada are unlimited for me from Mexico for around $10.00 dollars a month.

Cars, airplanes, buses, and trains, now allow to reach places that used to take days, or even weeks, in a fraction of that time.

In the case of air and bus fares, they have been becoming accessible for a more people constantly over the years. And though they still have along way to go, they are set to become available to a larger portion of the population over time.

These things have become so common place, that now is easy to forget how much more small of place our world truly has become.


Different methods to finds answers to different questions.

For me, one of the biggest misconceptions about science is that its out there trying to prove religion wrong. Even worse is when someone say that its a religion itself.

In reality, science is a method we have to understand the why, and how, the world around us work. Its true that doing so, it has forced us to redefine the role that religion plays in our lives. Some religious tenets have been proven false as our understanding of how the universe works, but that doesn't make the whole religion false.

Yet, that doesn't make science the enemy of religion perse. Science doesn't have the answer to everything, or we want to use it for everything.

In some cases, we can find that religion is where we can find things that we can't find in science. A place where we can find some peace of mind, or deep connections to other people in ways that science doesn't afford us to make.

Science isn't out there trying to prove religion, or spirituality at large, wrong. It's trying to find out how the universe works, and how all this is related to each other. Science helps us to get an insights on what we can expect to happen on the physical universe.

Spirituality, which some people manage with religion, is what we need when we try to find the answers, and connections, that science can't give us. For me, spirituality is more of a personal path to find the meaning of my life. And that can't be extrapolated to other people's experiences.

At the end, it's not science versus religion. They are methods to find quite different answers.

Curious about the iPhone user experience.

Even though I'm looking forward to the Android 15  on my Google Pixel 7a , I still see the iPhone  and wonder how would be using it as a...