After coming back to Linux Mint about a month ago back from Ubuntu, I've decided to stick with it from now. Ever since Linux Mint started using Cinnamon as it's desktop environment, I've been a big fan of it; though I liked Ubuntu's Unity shell a bit better since it did a better job for me. I've never really liked GNOME 3 all that much, I simply don't finish to feel comfortable using it. As such, Ubuntu going back to using it was an issue for me and one I'm not really willing to live with after about 3 months of using it daily. Although I can install both Unity and Cinnamon on Ubuntu, its an extra step I'm not willing to make. Also, I had some bad experiences with Ubuntu breaking my Cinnamon install with each upgrade. Finally, Linux Mint has been one of my 2 favorite Linux distros ever since I started using Linux. So, I see no reason to keep distro jumping when there is no good reason to do so. Besides, when Cinnamon 4 comes with Linux M...
My point of view on technology and how it affects our life.