
Apple finally moving to wider used standard with the USB-C.

Apple moving to USB-C from the Lightning port on the iPhone could be a great thing. Apple getting behind the USB-C standard could benefits all users, and it also mean a lot of less waste in the long run.

Personally, I believe that Apple could have used the USB-C on the iPhone for a couple of years now. With Apple behind the standard, USB-C can be a better option than the Lightning port with the added benefit that a bigger selection of cables and more people using it. The number of times I've seen iPhone users not being able to charge their smartphones because they forgot their cable, and no one else got a compatible cable, happened a lot more often that the people with Android smartphones.

For once, Apple moving to USB-C is something the company does that I can get behind.


Making remote work possible.

With time, technology has advanced in such a way that many administrative positions can be done remotely. Though at times face-to-face meeting are sometimes needed, most of the time meetings can be conducted using tools like Zoom, or Skype.

This allows a lot more flexibility for both employers, and employees. Not only that, working from home can be a great motivator for many people. Mainly because it helps employees to feel more in control of what is going on around them, and to have more time for family.

More people are seeing home office as something that they prefer, so much so that it has become a major reason to switch work. Its simply more convenient, even if you have to go to the company offices a couple of days a week. The ability to work remotely has become one of the biggest motivators to do a better job.

Hope more companies take note of this, an allow whenever possible for their employees to take advantage of working remotely.


A mobile lifestyle.

As time goes on, the combination of laptop and smartphone has proven to be the most useful for my needs. It gives me the computer power, and the portability, that allows me to make the most out of things.

While there are desktop computers that are much more powerful than the laptop I use as my daily driver, they don't give me the portability I want. Besides, I don't really need much computing power, and most middle of the market laptops give me more than enough for my needs. But most importantly, laptops are just a better fit for my lifestyle, both at my work and personal life.

Tablets simply don't fit my needs as well as smartphones do, specially on the go or when I'm with friends or family. When I'm not at home, or at work, a smartphone is the best fit to communicate or to the information I need on the fly. My smartphone is the better option, in ways a tablet would be a bit to cover-some.

Most importantly for me, is that the laptop and smartphone combination suits my lifestyle the best. I can be on the move, and do what I need to do wherever I am at the moment. More often than not, I don't need to wait to be at a certain place, or time, to be able to do something. Most importantly, I'm always in touch with those I care about, or to access information I need.

It has been about a decade that I've know that I had no use for desktops, or tablets, but the pandemic solidified that laptops are the best option for me for work. Other than that, smartphones cover the rest of the needs that laptops can't cover, specially when I'm on the move and I can't really stop long enough to use my laptop.

At the end of the day, I've come to value the freedom of movement that the combination of laptop and smartphone brings with it.

Curious about the iPhone user experience.

Even though I'm looking forward to the Android 15  on my Google Pixel 7a , I still see the iPhone  and wonder how would be using it as a...