
Discreet launcher, my new launcher of choice.

After about using Evie as my go to launcher for my Android smartphone, I started using Discreet launcher for a couple of weeks now. So far, Discreet has been the first launcher that I've actually liked enough to replace Evie for an extended period of time.

Evie was my go to launcher, but it hasn't been updated by its original developer for a while. While it has been picked up by another set of developers, it has lost a bit of what I used to like about it.

As such, I started to look for a replacement. It took a while since no launcher I tried game the combination of simplicity with the ability to use some of my favorite icon sets like Delta, or  Viral. I just prefer to use icons rather than texts on my launchers, its just a personal thing.

Discreet is that launcher that just ticks most of the boxes of what I look for in a launcher. It isn't perfect match, since the search function just allows to search for apps, and to makes use of Google search. Yet, to be honest that is something I can live without. It isn't as customizable as other launchers, but its customizable enough for me.

The ability to customize how my smartphone looks, and feels, is one of the main reasons I prefer Android smartphones. Android just works for me, in ways an iPhone just doesn't. The Android ecosystem give me what works for me, since it fits better the use I give my smartphone and the software I use.

I use Linux Mint on the laptop I use for personal and professional purposes. That I can run apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, and Dropbox, and work with them seamlessly with them both in my laptop and smartphone makes my life all that easier.

At the end of the day, Android just works for me.

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