Even though there has been progress in the levels of civil participation I've seen at Morelos, there is a room for a lot of improvement. On the society side, there is the need to make an effort to educate people that they have the right to express they opinions and demand they right in any form that doesn't affect the rights of the rest. We all have the right to use the streets to as a forum to make our opinions and needs know, but not the right to take them hostage. And there are other forums where we can make them known, like the media and the social networks on the Internet. Most importantly, we should be open to discuss our points, and negotiate to reach our goals. No one holds an absolute truth, so we most be open to listen to the input offered by other people. On the part of the authorities, I feel that they lack the will to actually come close to the people that elected them to ask for their input. What's worse, there seems to be a phobia to admit they are wrong ...
My point of view on technology and how it affects our life.