The more I think, and read, about open source the more I've come to like and support it.
I'm attracted to the kind of collaboration in which open source prospers and grows. Indeed, I believe that with this kind of collaboration in more aspects of the society at large would be beneficial. The free flow and exchange of ideas, and the sense of whatever it's been done belongs to everyone, there could be a better way to make things work and move forward.
The idea of people working together to arrive at the goals that on which are of the interest of the individual, is important for the improvement of the community at large.
In a sense, I do believe that each person owns the fruits of his own work. But, we must realize that those fruits are most beneficial when shared with the community. At the end, we are part of a bigger community, and what benefits and makes it better, gives to us a better life.
In order to grow as individuals, we should work to grow as a community.
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