The Internet, and the communication technologies that have come to run on it, have allowed to people be more empowered and have a better chance to do things without having to use traditional roads. We are able to do things for ourselves, and our communities, far more often than ever before.
People are better able to form ways self government, by applying pressure to their government officials to really address their concerns or by making them change how they did things in order for government to actually work for the people.
We are still a long way from making all the changes that need to be made to the different government systems to make them fit better the needs of their people. Yet, we are starting to make a impact on how they work and how they relate to us. Government are less able to ignore their people, or to dent the people's will for change. They have to start conceding what the people want, to a certain extent and not always as the people wanted them to.
That's why we need to keep pressuring to use the Internet in ways that pressure them to change, and start to really represent their people's will. To back down would only make things worse, since they would use the opportunity to better ensure we can't go after them and to crack on dissidence. The pressure on them to make the changes we want them to make needs not only be constant, it needs to increase as much as needed to bring the change around.
Who knows, we might come to find a better way to govern ourselves and regain the control of our lives. But we need to keep the fight on, and do all we can do to bring a better future to pass.
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