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A laptop and a smartphone, my perfect combo...

The more I think about it, the more I realize that tablets aren't for me. If I aren't at home, where using a laptop is way more convenient for me, I'm more likely to be at my favorite coffee shop or bar where using my smartphone to check in or send a quick text is way more practical.

At home, I'm either surfing the web, editing my blogs, chatting or on a video call. For me, it's a lot more practical to use my laptop, which has the added bonus that I can take to my favorite coffee shop or my best friend house to either do some work or just geek out. I simply can't see myself using a tablet to do any of this, I just find it to be rather uncomfortable and they still can't do the kind of multitasking I do.

When I go out, I prefer to take a smartphone with me. It allows me to quickly check in on Foursquare, take a quick photo or note, and to listen to my music on the go. Not only that, it also helps me to keep me in touch with texts, Whatsapp or a quick call. Not only that, I can keep share whatever I want to on Facebook, Google + or Twitter with ease and without loosing a hearth beat.

I can keep track of what I have to do using my agenda and the calendar app at my smartphone, and quite easily I must say. And since I always have one of the at hand, it's really hard for me to be reminded of what I've to do.

It's not like I've anything personal against tablets, I just don't think that they are for everyone or that we all need to have one despite all the hype around them. They are just one way people can access mobile computing, and should be seen as the option they are.

More than ever, I come to believe that there will be several ways to have access to mobile computing. How we access it will depend on our lifestyles, and how integrated we want it to be.

For better, or worse, mobile computing is here to stay and will keep evolving in ways we may not phantom today. I want to see it evolve in a way that it enhances the human experience, and it helps us create a better society.


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