That China it's looking into making GNU/Linux custom OS, is both something I look forward to and something that makes me worry quite a bit.
The good part of China moving to GNU/Linux, is that it has the potential to make other countries to look into GNU/Linux as well. Even if not all who do look into it fully migrate to open source software, which would be the ideal thing to happen, it could mean that at least some of their IT moves to it.
Like it or not, China has a lot of sway. Moving to GNU/Linux might start a domino effect not only with some of the other BRIC nations, but with people that do business with the second largest economy. Besides, since it has a population of over 1.35 billion people will have an enormous impact on the economy of scale to produce hardware that supports GNU/Linux and open source software in general.
The part that makes me worry, is that China isn't known to go by the spirit of open source. Hopefully, China will see the benefit of adhering to the open source spirit and share it's code with the world at large. Doing so can be hugely beneficial for open source, since having China pouring resources to make GNU/Linux better can do much to make it all that better.
China could benefit from it too, as being seeing as valued member of the larger open source community.
While there is still a lot to be seen about it, I'm hopeful that China's move to an GNU/Linux OS will be a good thing for everyone. This could be what GNU/Linux needs to break into the desktop.
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