
Back to Unity...

It seems that no matter what, I keep coming back to the Unity user interface. After a couple of weeks of using the MATE user interface, I just had to move back to Unity.

I really liked the experience I got with MATE, yet it lack something that Unity gives me. It's not something tangible, it's mostly my personal taste. I do recommend MATE as an option, yet personally I prefer running Unity. The major change I make to the stock setting, is using the Numix theme and circular icons.

Personally, no other user interface quite fits what I want my desktop to work and feel quite as well as Unity does. My two other favorite user interfaces, MATE and Cinnamon simply don't work as well for me.

In a way, this is way I like GNU/Linux. I like to have my choice of how my OS works, and how it looks. My personal choice is Ubuntu running Unity, though I also like and recommend Linux Mint running Cinnamon. I haven't used Mate on Linux Mint, yet I do like it and recommend it on Ubuntu.

In a way, Ubuntu gives me all what I want and like on my OS. It runs all the apps I both love, and the ones I need to keep in touch with family and friends. Most importantly, it does it in a way that doesn't intrude with how I do things.

When I moved away from Windows, I never could have imagined how much I'd come to like the experience of using GNU/Linux. Most importantly, the level of choice that comes with it. In more than one way, I've always enjoyed computers and software. Most importantly, how they allow people to come together in ways most people don't give a second thought.

Computers, along with smart phones, can be powerful tools to build communities by helping people together around what they love, hate, or whatever they are concerned about. Used correctly, they empower the people.

Most importantly, this power can be multiplied by FLOSS. That's why I moved to Ubuntu on my laptop, and Android for my smart phone.


Dissent is welcome, but bullying isn't...

That Tallef Fog Heen had to quit as a Debian systemd maintainer do to bulling as he explains on his blog, reflects badly on all the open source community. There is an urgent need to change the way dissent is shown, since it is only given in a negative way which is not beneficial to anyone.

Though dissent, and the debate that comes with it, make communities healthy, we can't allow it to descend into bulling when other don't agree with the other's side view point. Sometimes the project we support, makes the choices we agree with. While other times, it will make the choices we don't agree, or like, with.

Keep in mind that with any change comes to a project, it must come with consensus of the majority. This means that not everyone needs to agree with the change, if the majority comes to the agreement to make the change proposed.

By resorting to name calling, and bullying, those who don't agree with us, we are not creating the kind of environment really needed to move the projects forward on a healthy way. What's more, it scares away people from adopting open source because they don't feel comfortable coming to a place where they don't seem to be able to be treated in a friendly manner.

While there are projects that are friendly, and where the interaction is much more mature, it's hard to sell them when people come along with examples where people are mistreated much more often. We are metaphorically shooting our own foot every time a debate becomes a shouting match of name calling and abuse.

It's time to change the way we engage in debate, and stop being sour losers. Sometimes you get want you want, sometimes you don't. So grow up, and move forward and change things.

If in the past it was okay to be nasty, now we can't tolerate it any longer. It's okay to disagree, but let's make that disagreement heard in a way that helps the open source community grow.


Loving the Mate desktop environment so far...

After hearing a lot of good things about the Mate desktop environment, and the fact that it became available for Ubuntu, I've decided to give it a spin.

So far, I've liked much. I got remained of why I fell in love with GNU/Linux, and Ubuntu in particular, in the first place. I felt right at home from the start, and I didn't have much trouble getting up to speed with it.

Ever since Ubuntu started using Unity desktop environment as default on the Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal release, Unity became my go to desktop environment. I've tried using Cinnamon desktop environment with Linux Mint a couple of times now, but never felt as comfortable with as I'm with Unity.

Yet, Mate has felt a lot better than both Unity and Cinnamon have so far. The best part for me, is that I can run it on Ubuntu with ease. Which means that I don't have to leave my favorite distro to use Mate, while getting the desktop experience I feel most comfortable with.

I know that I could get Cinnamon to run on Ubuntu, but I don't see the case since I prefer using Unity. But, now Mate is giving Unity a run for it's money to become my favorite desktop environment. And since I can use it on Ubuntu, I feel right at home with Mate. It might be a case of nostalgia, but if all goes as it has so far, Mate will become my go to desktop environment leaving Unity on second place.

Now I find myself wanting for Ubuntu Mate to become an official flavor of Ubuntu. Yet, even if this doesn't come to pass, I still plan to use Mate as my desktop environment on Ubuntu.


Open source software is for everyone...

One of the biggest misconceptions about open source software, is that one needs to be a skilled programmer, or even a hacker, in order to use it at all. Yet, even though having such skill do help trouble shoot some of the problems one can encounter while using any software, it's not mandatory since there are ways to get help from people who know how to fix the problems you might encounter.

What's true, is that depending on the GNU/Linux distribution the needed technical skill change. Distros like Linux Mint and Ubuntu are really friendly to people who don't have that many computers skills to use it.

Then you have distros like Arch Linux and Debian, where having a strong technical skill set is very important to have to use it to their full potential. It's not like your average user wouldn't be able to use it, but they will not have a good experience with them when they run into problems.

Open source software can be used by everyone, independently of how skilled they are on computers. If you know how to use and configure things on Windows, you can do the same on Ubuntu and Linux Mint. Most of it is just as easy, since this distros have made it really user friendly to do some customization.

Nowadays, open source software has made a lot of inroads to be a lot more user friendly. I find it hard not to see a lot of people who wouldn't feel at home in many of the more user friendly GNU/Linux distros in a short time. While there would be some getting used to the differences that exist coming from Windows or OS X, there aren't big enough for them to stick to the distro they like.

The best example of this that comes to mind, is how popular Android has become. With this in mind, it's not far fetched to think that people could make the jump to GNU/Linux if given the right distro for them.

Curious about the iPhone user experience.

Even though I'm looking forward to the Android 15  on my Google Pixel 7a , I still see the iPhone  and wonder how would be using it as a...