If you need that the open source model not only works on software, but that it can be adapted to other areas go ahead and read this article at Arstechnica.
At the core of the open source model is not sharing for the sake of sharing, but collaboration among people that have a common problem that need to be solved. By allowing collaboration with other people, with whom one normally wouldn't have the chance to do so. Since the network of people working on a common platform on the same problem, the time needed to solve problems and ending with a mature design, is reduced by a wide margin.
By adopting an open source model, the benefits out weight the cons that can be encountered by using it. Most importantly, you can concentrate more on differentiating your product rather than on solving the same design problems others are working on or have been already solved.
With more time to work on the details that you need to work on to give your target market asks of your product, gives you a better chance to be successful by getting to your gaol more efficiently. The open source model gives you a way to tap on the expertise and experience of others, in a way that no other model can.
The best work comes out of collaboration, and people just need the right platform to be able to collaborate in a way allows them to solve the problems that they are facing by working with others that have what they need.
It won't always work as intended, but that is part of doing things. Yet, if the platform is managed in way that actually helps people to work together and collaborate in a way that allows them to get things done, the success ratio should be one that makes it sustainable.
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