As an Ubuntu, and fan I must confess, every six mouths is a good time since I get a new OS. This time around, I couldn't contain myself and upgraded to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS a few days earlier than usual.
I've been using it for almost a week, and so far I do feel that the Xenial Xerus(the code name for the 16.04 release) is really a good one. I've encountered no significant bug do far. It actually it seems to be a step forward from Ubuntu 15.10 even though it's a conservative one since Ubuntu 16.04 is a Long Term Support release.
While is a boring release in terms of features added, for me it has been a good one. I do see my laptop a bit being faster, and in some cases being quite more stable. Not that 15.10 gave any more trouble, it just feels like LTS version is just polishing some of the rough edges of the OS.
Ubuntu 16.04 is turning out to be a solid release for those who need an OS that will have a relative long life(for five years), and a nice upgrade for those of us that like Ubuntu.
I'm an user who likes to upgrade every time there is a new version of Ubuntu, since for my needs Ubuntu has software that might not as bleeding edge as in other distros, but is stable enough for everyday use. As such, for my needs Ubuntu has the right balance for me.
While I'd love to have seen Unity 8 on this release, I can see why Canonical decided to stick with Unity 7 for a LTS release. Unity has become quite a solid graphical shell, sticking to a proven version for a LTS release makes sense, at least until the next version proves itself stable enough.
Other than that, Ubuntu is still my go to Linux distro. It's still one of the distros I recommend to beginners and Linux users that want a distro that just works.
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