Smartphones are one area where I'd like to see more OSes to choose from, that can be used by more OEM. Another thing, is that while apps are relatively easy to keep updated, the OS itself is a whole different story if you're on Android.
While I prefer Android over iOS, one of the main things I have against Android and in favor of iOS is the ease of keeping the OS updated. Other than that, Android is by far the mobile OS for me.
Yet, I'd like to see a wider selection of mobile OSes and apps that would run on your OS of choice easily. The only reason against this is not a technical one, but because companies prefer to have you locked in on their ecosystem. While that is good for them, is bad for the user. While I don't see hundreds of different OSes, there is space for more than Android and iOS.
For one thing, more mobile OSes based on Linux would be great. That would help making the point to create a common standard to create apps that run on them, since all would have a common base. I see some apps being exclusive to one or two of those OSes, but most apps would do better by being available on all the OSes or at least as most of them.
Once, I was really happy to see Mozilla getting into the game with it's Firefox OS. It looked to be a solid OS for entry and mid-level devices, specially for those people who were getting their first smartphone or just wanted something not that fancy.
Its a shame that is didn't had the market share it deserve, since it could have been quite the option for entry and mid-level smartphones arena to Android.
Ubuntu Touch is the OS I see as the competition to Android on the mid-level to high-end smartphones. True, the OS still needs more apps on it's ecosystem and to be supported by more OEM. Yet, for the looks of it Ubuntu Touch could be a viable option for those looking for a good smartphone other than an Android device when an iOS one doesn't make the cut.
For the time being we need another option on the entry to mid-level areas while Ubuntu Touch need to do more to be a viable option on the other side of the spectrum.
Android is the mobile OS for me at the moment. Ubuntu Touch could be an option for me, but it still isn't available on Mexico easily and the apps I use aren't supported on it. If Ubuntu touch came to Mexico, and supported the same apps as Android does, I'd give it a chance in a heartbeat.
At the end, I'd love to see more Linux based mobile OS being successful at the market.
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