Last Monday the SAP server got busted by a virus, and all hell broke out. It took the better part of three days to set it back up, and by the fourth day it wasn't up to speed.
Until this happened, nobody really gave a second thought to the fact that we all are dependent on central server to get the info we all need to do our jobs. SAP is vital for every department pass the information needed for all departments work smoothly. And while some of us use local storage to actually work some of the info in a more detailed way, our main source of information is centralized at a single server.
At least in my case, and of my coworkers at my department, my work didn't come to a complete halt. Some of the info I work with, isn't dependent on SAP. As such, it means that I still could go ahead with some of my work. The same goes some of the other departments, though having access to the info on SAP sure does makes thing a lot easier.
Yet, this event highlights the dangers of having just one point of access to info, and an app, that's vital for things to work smoothly. There is no way to guarantee a 100% up time, so there should be always a plan B for when things go wrong.
In a way, this is why I'm for a hybrid approach between cloud computing and computing locally. Its the best way to have the pro's of each paradigm, while mitigating the con's that each have.
Cloud computing has a place to take, but its not a solution for every need out there.
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