It irks me somewhat when people compare their childhood with the one of the today's children, and proclaim that theirs is far superior just because the children won't be able to experience what they did. They seem to willfully ignore that every generation's childhood is different from generations past and future.
The world each generation experience their childhood in a different context from each other. To compare how we experience our childhood to the one of today's children is not fair, since their world isn't the one we grew up in. We see our childhood with tainted eyes, ones that in some ways make it a bit better than it actually was.
People forget that we have to give them the tools to be able to face a world that'll be different that the world we are now. Trying to give children the same childhood that we had, is not the best idea. We need to let them be children in the context of how the world is now, while giving them the tools to make them able to face the world they'll have as adults.
The thing is, that it'll be different from the world we live now. And trying to keep change, won't stop it from getting to us. And stubbornly holding to the memories from what was, doesn't exonerate us from allowing our children their childhoods in the way that allows them to face the world we are all living in today.
We all had the childhood dictated by the time we lived it in. We have to let each generation live, and make the best, of their childhood. Each generation has to face the problems of their times, at the best of their abilities.
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