
Living through trying times.

The beginning of 2021 has been a lot rougher than expected, specially with the riots that led to storming to the US Capitol. It feels like all what happened on 2020 with the COVID-19 pandemic is carrying over, specially since there is still no clear end in sight.

People are angry, and stressed, that the economy is still highly restricted. For many, it means that their source of income has been lost with little chance of recovering it. For others, it means a reduced income and for others a certain uncertainty about being able to keep their job for the foreseeable future.

For others, it has meant losing family or friends. Even seeing some loved ones battling the virus without certainty they make it.

The feeling of uncertainty we live in, is something that for many is proving to be to much to handle. People are scared, or exhausted, about not being able to at least be sure about the short term. In addition, for many is hard to come by with credible information almost about everything they care for. Misinformation, or plain lies, seem to be everywhere making it hard to know who or what to trust.

2021 is still, so there is hope things will change for the better.

Curious about the iPhone user experience.

Even though I'm looking forward to the Android 15  on my Google Pixel 7a , I still see the iPhone  and wonder how would be using it as a...