
Having a good experience with a Motorola One Fusion.

Recently I got a Motorola One Fusion, since the device I was using for about 3 years nos was starting to show its age. After a couple of months of usage, I must say it was quite a good choice. It works quite well for me, since it cover all my needs and expectations about how a smartphone should work.

It also cements mid-range smartphones as my go to option, and Motorola as one of my top 3 brands. Motorola has been one of the brands I usually take as an option, but now having hands on experience with one of their devices it has really come to be one of the main options. It also gets extra points due to the fact that its easy for me to get it unlocked from the start.

The other one would be Nokia, because of the good reviews and of nostalgia, but its hard to get one of their devices in Mexico unlocked from independent stores.

I prefer to get my smartphones unlocked from the get go, mainly as a safeguard in case I need to change carrier for whatever reason. Specially since smartphones are quite expensive, and I don't really like to change them if the one I'm currently using still is in working order.

Though I've toying with the idea of trying an iPhone, my current smartphone kind of makes it harder for me to make the jump to the iPhone. With each new version of Android I get to use, the user experience keeps getting better for me. In more than one way, Android just works for me.


Challenges of adapting to the future workplace.

The kind of jobs performed by people has changed a substantially in the last hundred years. Most manufacturing jobs now are done by robots, or are done using tools that weren't available a couple of decades ago.

Many people have shifted to jobs either service industry, or an administrative position. For many, there is a lot more knowledge about the tools, or systems, needed to be effective in the job they do. They need to be able to use software, or a tool, on which there is a certain level of training needed to be able to even use it.

As time goes on, even a bigger share of the manufacturing jobs will be done by machines, with only a few minority be left to specialized workers. Most people will need to move other jobs, and receive the training to be able to do those jobs. That is why education needs to change faster, since the current system is educating people for jobs that most likely won't exist in the next couple of decades.

This will have a huge impact in all aspects of society, making it vital to make sure we can actually give society as a whole what it needs to make the shift to the new ways all this changes will make.

Society as it stands today, isn't fully ready to cope with the changes technology is doing to the way we work. Many people don't have the skills needed to shift to new jobs, and no way to access the training to get them. This puts them in a disadvantage, since they won't be able to get a new job to replace the income they lost, or get access to better paying jobs.

As a society we need to put in place the structure were access to education and training is accessible for all. If not, we face a future where a large amount of people won't be able to have access to a job because they don't have access to the education or training. Even today, there are people who can't get a better job simply because they can't access the training, or curses, needed to get them.

In a way, that future is now if we don't want to be overrun by it.


Working from home.

I've been doing home office full time for the last week, and it was better than I expected it to be. It help me validate that I can all do all my work, and be effective at it, from home. Since I can access all the software I need to do my work via a remote desktop, and I can contact my coworker vie a phone call, Whats App, or an email, there is little or no need for me to be at the same place than my boss or coworkers.

Besides, not having to go to the office itself saves me a lot of time and I find that even though at times work still piles up, I'm a lot less stressed about work. Though there is some adaptation to do, I do prefer to do home office. While I do miss seeing some of my coworkers in person, I do prefer working from home since I feel like I'm more effective doing home office.

If any change is required, I'd rather just having to go to the office once or a couple of times a week for a few hours. That way, I'll get to get out of the house a bit more while still benefiting from working from home most of the time.

To me personally, home office is something that works for me.

Curious about the iPhone user experience.

Even though I'm looking forward to the Android 15  on my Google Pixel 7a , I still see the iPhone  and wonder how would be using it as a...