
Learning needs to become something that people just do.

The Internet has given society access to all the knowledge we could ever need about just every subject, and it keeps getting bigger with time. The problem is that, also there is a lot of misinformation and lies along with all the valuable information.

What makes the situation worse, is that our education systems don't give most people the tools needed to navigate the Internet to find the information that is valuable to the subject at hand, and disregard the misinformation out there. This makes moving forward a lot more difficult, since some refuse doing so based on misinformation.

There is a need to change this, and changing how our education systems work is one of that can have the biggest and most valuable impact to improve the situation. Even so, it can take years to actually make its impact felt.

Yet, there is a need to actually doing to do so if we want to build a better future for humanity. We need for all to be able to keep learning throughout their lives, as something that is something normal to do. There is a need to stop the idea that learning is something just done in classrooms.

That the Internet gives people access to knowledge is not enough, unless people can actually learn how to make use of that knowledge.


I'm a happy Android user.

Ever since I started using Android in 2012, it has been getting better. Currently the device I use as my daily driver has Android 11, and it has been quite the step forward.

When I made the jump, to be honest I had my reservations. I had become used to using Nokia devices running Symbian, so making the switch to Android was something I wasn't all to keen to do. Yet, the only other options I had at the time was a Windows phone, or an iPhone.

I ended up choosing an Android device, because there were no Windows Phones that I liked, and moving to the iPhone was not something I wanted to do if I could avoid it. So, I got an Android device and almost from the start Android just worked for me. All the apps I needed were available, and I could set the user interface to work just like I wanted it to work.

While in the ten years since there have been several changes to Android, most have been for the better or haven't really been something that took away from the experience. Actually, with time the idea of moving to iOS has become even less appealing with time, since Android is getting better and the competition among the OEM within the Android ecosystem has meant that there are always several smartphones that meet my need to choose from.

The only thing I have done over the years, is jump among brands within the Android ecosystem. All have had their ups and downs on the hardware side, but I've been always set Android itself to work as I like with in 10-15 minutes. Yet, since I got my current Motorola One Fusion, I don't really expect to jump to another brand unless they offer something Motorola doesn't do at the time I make the switch to a new smartphone in a couple of years time.


Linux has been getting better for the average user.

As someone who uses Linux Mint on daily basis on my daily driver, I can say that Linux is ready to be used by basically everyone. The only reasons anyone couldn't move to Linux, is if they need an specific software that isn't supported on Linux, like Photoshop, Microsoft Office, or some accounting suites. Other than that, Linux distros are fully capable systems that anyone can use.

Distros like Linux Mint and Ubuntu, can be used by anyone for most of the average user cases. Specially when used basic tasks like web browsing, and media streaming, Linux distros can handle them without any problem at all. With time, the user experience has been getting better since many distros have been working on making the average user experience better.

While there is some learning curve coming from Windows, or macOS, it has been getting easier to make the switch with time. Linux Mint is one of the best examples, specially with when using Cinnamon, which I've been using for 3 years now as my daily driver, and for about 6 months for work now. It has worked like a charm, even when using a two monitor setup.

The best thing for me about Linux Mint, is that it is based on Ubuntu's long term support releases. This make Linux Mint a solid and stable operating system, because it prioritizes stability and proven software. This means that I don't really have to worry about up dates braking the system unless something goes terribly wrong with an upgrade, or something get corrupted.

Linux distros have come a long way, and now they have become a solid option for almost everyone.

Curious about the iPhone user experience.

Even though I'm looking forward to the Android 15  on my Google Pixel 7a , I still see the iPhone  and wonder how would be using it as a...