The news that Microsoft Skype, and integrating some of its functionalities into Teams is one that hits in the nostalgia.
To be honest, the news in itself wasn't all that surprising. Microsoft had been pushing teams as a collaborative tool for a while now, while Skype has been largely ignored. While I used Skype in the early 2000s, it has been quite a while since I moved to WhatsApp, and Messenger, for most of my everyday communications including voice and video calls. I even do more phone calls using the phone app.
Though, I did use Skype to keep in touch with friends and family for a while, but we ended up moving to WhatsApp, or the massaging services of Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, Zoom, or other social media sites. Mainly because they are more convenient ways to chat and share files or other media. I can't remember the last time I used Skype for anything.
In someways, when Microsoft purchased Skype I thought it could become a worthy successor to MSN Messenger. I really loved to use MSN Messenger at the time, and most of the people I knew also liked to use it. Yet, Skype did not live to the septations, and we all move on to other instant massaging apps, all of which ended up becoming better with time.
In some ways, Skype is one of the biggest could have been. Yet. Microsoft really dropped the ball with Skype.
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