
The annoyance of fanboys and over zealous critics...

One of the most annoying things I come about in the tech world, are the fanboys and over zealous critics of any device that becomes popular.

For fanboys, the company that produces the device of their devotion can make no mistake. If an issue is found with any of them, they are quick to find blame somewhere else or to point that's how the competition does the same. Instead of accepting that the device they have isn't perfect, that there is need of improvement, or that it isn't the best device for everyone, they seem to be more than happy to say that the ones who critique their beloved are just not smart enough to see the truth.

The zealous critics do just the opposite, they can't seem to be able to grant credit for what it's being done right on the device or by the company that made it. They just are out for blood, and they over blow even the most minuscule detail that doesn't even matter for the people who will actually use the device. No matter how well the device makes the job it was intended to do, those critics can't be swayed into saying that it's a great device for its intended use.

With some companies, it just go to far. In many ways in ruins the experience of using those companies' products to the average user, simply because of the expectations of its fanboys and critics have around them.

Most of us, we buy a device we like it and it's useful for what we are going to use it. We use is it because it does the job we want it to do the way we expect it to do, and sometimes it has the added bonus that looks good while it does it. Most of the times, we don't really care about some of the most technical aspects or how using it make us look cooler. We use it because we want to use it, not because we were told we had to or any other reason.

Guess that most of us just want to be able to buy and use any device we want to, and to fanboys and critics to take their petty fights somewhere else.


For a truly open fields of science and technology...

In many ways, we should be pushing for more openness in the science and technology fields. For better, or for worse, they touch every aspect of our lives, so society should be able to know the inner workings and how they're managed.

On the science side, there should be transparency on every research conducted and how it get the money to be done. All the information, and technical data, should be made available to the public as soon as possible. So that we know how things were done, and for people who want to make the experiment on their own can replicate it on their own.

Most importantly, patents on any scientific breakthrough should be limited that they can be beneficial to as many people as possible while giving some resources to the people who made that progress. We need a system that have public interest at hearth, not individual or corporate ones.

On the technology side, the need to have any technology available to be work on by people at large when is made available to the public is vital. There should be clear rules on what is fair use, and how modifications to the technology by individuals can be distributed. To completely restrict or allow any modification to any technology produced is not beneficial to anyones, so there is a need to find a way to allow it to happen.

It can be done and it can be beneficial to the original producer, as it has been demonstrated many times in the past. When the producers engage the communities that customize their products for other purposes, it actually becomes a win-win situation. But only if managed correctly, or it can be a disaster for everyone involved.

At the end, having those vital fields open for all of us to participate in is something that we should be able to take for granted.


Use new facts to strive, and become a better person...

It's sad that some people want seem bent in stopping research based not on facts, but because it threatens their beliefs by demonstrating that those beliefs are wrong. As if by challenging any belief system, would make the person who holds them bad.

The universe we live in is extremely complex, and we are just starting to understand how it works. As such, many of the beliefs we have about the universe can be proved wrong at any time by emerging evidence. That doesn't mean that we are fools, or that we are bad, because we believed something proved wrong.

As we learn about how things function, we have a better understanding on how to deal with them. This knowledge is an invaluable tool to move forward, and have a better quality of life and how we relate to the universe around us.

We shouldn't be blocking research that can give us valuable knowledge, since by doing so we might be losing key aspects of how the universe works that could open better lives for all of us. The foolish thing to do, is simply blocking new knowledge because it proves some beliefs wrong. By adapting our view with the new facts, we can become better persons.

By having a open mind, we can have a window to gaze new and marvelous views that the universe still have for us. Also, can see things in a new way that will make us under just how lucky we are to live.

Teaching our kids, and others, the value of an open mind is the best gift that we can bestow upon them.


Each user can choose he's perfect smartphone...

Every time a new iPhone comes out, it comes with the whole the best smartphone out there. But, Android devices have basically closed the gap, specially with the arrival of Android 4.0.

For many, including myself, now the question is not what smartphone is the best in itself. The real question now is what handset is best for each user, since now there is a real chance to match the users needs with the smartphone. Competition in the smartphone area is on the users side, since now manufactures have to produce better smartphones if they want our money.

In a way, we are fortunate to be living in a time where technology allows us to have many different options of smartphones. This devices truly hold the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with our family, friends, and the world at large. We can share almost anything that happens around us in real time, and in many apps we can even choose with who we want to each piece of information.

So, at the end each smartphone has it weaknesses and strengths, as such it all comes to what the user wants and needs to have on the smartphone that will determine which device would make the best match. The idea that one smartphone can do everything perfectly is ludicrous, since is not practical to cover everything.

It's up to the user to decide which smartphone is the best for him, and not being forced into buying one because there is no other.


Open source software is more than just software...

One of the things that I like about open source software, and why I enjoy using it, is that I can select the level of engagement I've with each piece of software I use.

I can just be an user on some, and with various levels of commitment on others. Those commitments can range from bug reporting, contributing money to keep the project going or some code. Being able to do this is important for me, since it allows me to better support the projects I like in the way is more convenient for me.

The idea that you can be a user of any project, or a part of the community around it, is really appealing for me. Not to mention that it resonates with the way I see software development, and how it should relate to its users. At the end software is used by people, it should allow the people who use it to interact with the software, developers and other users in any way each individual can do it.

Any software can only become alive, and dynamic, when it allows its users and developers to form a community around it to share their views, to contribute what they think they should, and be part of what goes on with the project. By allowing this, the software that comes out is something much more than just software. It becomes part of the lives of those that make the community around it their own, with all that comes with it.

Open source software is more than just software, or the interaction with it by its users. It's about human interactions, and building communities and friendships with people with similar interests. Being part of an open source software project can open the door to knowing more people that share the love and passion for the things you love.

I invite you to come to the open source software world, and have a look around. You'll be surprised about how big, and easy, to find something for you.


Open source importance...

The importance of open source, both in software and hardware, is something that can't be understated. If there is to fair access to technology by anyone who needs it, it's vital that the core of each technology used can be studied and modified by any person that's interested in doing so.

The idea of having any technology locking user to a single vendor because there is no real way around it, is appalling because it means that if something happens to that vendor all investment in time and money will be lost. Not to mention all the information that was in there.

It also means that monopolies are more likely, and if the come to be they will be more easily maintained since there is no option to go to in case of abuse or bad service.

Also, people that need especial adaptations of any software or hardware, could custom make them if that version isn't provided by the original vendor for whatever reason. This can streamline processes, and could bring life saving technologies to the people who need it a lot faster.

By allowing people to get to understand, and work on, the internal workings of whatever technology they are interested in, can have other important by products. With more people working to improve current technology, products that meet particular needs can come to market a lot faster. Also, those improvements needed by a particular group of individuals could make their way a lot faster, since they could get someone to make them with more ease.

Innovations will come faster, since there'll be more people covering a lot more technology. In some cases, it'd mean that there is a bigger chance of people will be working on fields that businesses would not take. Or NGOs could take existing technologies, and adapt them for their needs if they can't get any sponsor to do so.

Having open open source technologies is vital for us. Our society is becoming ever more dependent on technology to live our daily lives, so technology's inner workings have to be available for all of us. More importantly, they have to be easy to access by those who can do something of value with them.

If this doesn't come to happen, we run the risk of having the technology on which we depend on at the hands of a few hands. As history has shown us time and time again, that's not in the best interest of the majority.


A better understanding...

It's hard for some people to understand that lack of understanding about the working of a certain process, or why it does what it does, doesn't mean that it's proof of a supernatural forces are working. It just means that there's no answer on that matter as of yet.

There always be voids on our knowledge of how the universe works, or why things are how they are. Yet our best option is no saying that it should be that way, because there is a external force that it's at work. On the contrary, is because understanding why things are, and how they work, can lead to breakthroughs that make are lives better that an answer should be looked for.

Understanding is the best tool we have to actually have a shoot at increasing our quality of life, while we protect our environment. Doing things without understanding them, is asking for trouble that can come back to bite us hard. There is a need to understand what consequences can be expected from doing, or using, any tool.

True understanding can give benefits far beyond anyone can imagine, since it gives the tools to better use what surrounds us. We'll be able to better conserve our resources, and use them more effectively.

It also can come to strengthen our bonds, since it will enable not only to connect with our surroundings. It'll help us to connect with other people, and better share with them the resources in order to achieve both parties goals.

Understanding where things are made, and from where they come from, gives us a better perspective on the impact they have. Armed with that perspective we can give them the best possible use, at the best possible time. That's why we must be receptive to new knowledge about what we use, so we can give it the best possible uses.

Having the answers to our questions, and understanding the impact of our actions, is one of the most empowering things at the personal level.


Patent wars hurt the consumer the most...

Not a day seems to pass without at least of a couple of news about someone suing someone else on patent grounds. It seems that there is almost nothing out there that doesn't have a patent on it.

Which makes me ponder how much does this affects innovation, and ultimately consumer's ability to have several options to choose from. With a higher risk of being sued, many small companies and startups might not want to take the change of getting sued out of existence and probably not bring to market products that compete with the ones of established players.

This playing it safe attitude is not good for the consumers, since it limits our choices, or to innovation that produces better products though open and direct competition for our money.

The current patent wars need to end, they are not beneficial to innovation or consumers. They are about companies, and how to protect their profit margins.

I can't really hold a straight face anymore when corporations say that the lawsuits they make are for the benefit of consumers, so they can bring the best possible products to them. Each time they fail to mention that by barring newcomers to the market, they are effectively locking the consumer to use their products.

There is a dire need of a new patent system, one that makes it easy to innovate while protecting those ideas that are worth it. Or else, the ones that are set to lose more are the consumers.


A better understanding of science...

As science advances, we gain a better understanding of the world around us. This understanding helps us not only understand our place in the universe, but it gives the opportunity to gain a better quality of life.

Yet, many don't trust science because they don't understand how science works and many misconceptions people have regarding how scientist work. People don't really understand the scientific method, much less many of the concepts that come with advanced fields.

That's why science educations is vital on our schools, so our children grow knowing how science works and have an understanding of at least the most basic scientific concepts on several fields.

In many ways, the problem is not science. The main problem is the lack of understanding of what science is, and how it works. There is a lot of misconceptions that spawn because there is no solid knowledge of science, and the terms it uses. Much less the proper usage of those terms.

When we take into account that all the technology we use comes from scientific discoveries, it becomes more important to give our children exposure to science so to start an interest on it. This with the aim to have some of them to study science, kick starting the next generation of scientist that'll take us to the next level of understanding.

But, it's important for all to have a basic understanding of science. It's vital so we all can better function on societies that are ever more integrated with the fruits of science through technology.


Ownership means total control over your devises..

As technology advances, some embrace it and try to take it to its limits. Most people just take it as is, just doing adding or changing some minor things personalizing their device.

Though the users that go deep into the inner workings of their devices are few, that doesn't give the manufactures the right to limit the ability to do so. Having the option to do so should be at least easily accessed to make any change by the user possible without trouble, or to require the intervention of the manufacturer.

Users should have full control over their devices, even if most won't take full advantage of all the possibilities it gives the user. The user should have full ownership of his devices from the moment of the purchase.

Limitations are just beneficial to the manufactures, not the users. When impose restrictions to what you can do with the devices you bought, they are in fact controlling almost every aspect of what can you can do with the devices you own.

At the end of the day, once a device is purchased the users should be the one who decides on any changes made to it and be on total control of it.


Education, science and research are investments...

I find it to be discouraging and angering that education, science, and research are areas that suffer some of the first cuts when times get though. Worse when the ones who make those cuts talk about how important these areas are for the continued development of people and communities.

Theres is a dire need to see educations, science and research not as expenditures. They are investments, we need to have them well founded so they can bear the fruits we need them to make a better world. These are pillar that make our modern world, and without them we wouldn't have the things we have now, nor we can hope to make the world we live in a better place.

Through education, we can enrich peoples lives while making better citizens. Well educated citizens are beneficial not only to the community they live in, but to themselves since they can actually do something for themselves in various ways. They are only limited by they own imaginations and capabilities, that can help them to go far in life while doing constructive things for themselves and others they come in contact with.

Science has given us all things that have improved the quality of life exponentially in the last century, and can do much more. Yet, to be able to deliver on that, science needs to be well founded to attract the minds to work on the projects that show more promise to deliver the results.

If we can't give them what they need to work, and live, we can't reasonably expect the results needed.

Last, we need to have good research facilities if we want to be able to find a way to apply what science learns. Knowledge by itself is not very useful, if it can't be applied in some way, shape, or form to solve a practical problem. But, it takes time and money to find a way to put them in use.

If that research is well founded, and correctly managed, it becomes an investment. Research is a necessary step to bring science to use in as many areas of human experience as possible. Avoiding it is a risky move, since a potentially beneficial concept can do harm if it's not properly tuned to do its best work.

Without making substantial investments on these three areas, we have more to lose than what we can imagine. Investing on education, science and research, is not only investing on the present; but in a better future too.

Curious about the iPhone user experience.

Even though I'm looking forward to the Android 15  on my Google Pixel 7a , I still see the iPhone  and wonder how would be using it as a...