It's a shame that many companies don't really know how to use the power of social networking sites, specially small to medium sized ones. People seem to have a better understanding on how these sites can help them to influence companies, at times with great success.
Social networking sites are a great place not for companies not just giving information to their costumers, but to actually strike a relationship with them that generates loyalty to the company. In many ways, companies need to understand that social networking is about making a connection with the people that use, or buy, what they offer.
Plain all information can be found in others ways a lot easier, social networking sites give users the chance to know more about the company they like in ways that other media can't. In many ways is about giving people a way to contact companies in a more personal way, making it a more emotional for the user.
Unlike other ways that users interact with a company, like a website or fryers, social networking sites give users a way to interact in a direct way. In many ways, it helps to create a relationship which is deeper than the usual with the customer.
In many ways, social networking sites can increase the trust of people in a company because it can give them a sense that they are doing business with something more tangible, that cares for what they think and do. Also it helps to build a community of people around the company, helping both the company and the people that do business with it to grow together around their common interests.
Not having, or knowing how to manage, their presence at the social networking sites can be any company undoing.
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