The Internet must remain neutral, no government or central organism should have control over all of or any part of it. At most, bodies should be set up to add and maintain standards that run the Internet, not what to regulate the Internet itself.
With the Internet becoming an integral part of our daily lives, there is a real need to keep it neutral so we all can make use of it as we need to. Just as city streets, and other public infrastructure, where only basic standards are placed to make use of them, so that everyone that needs to can make use of them freely with no discrimination other that not engaging on illegal activities.
The only part that needs some kind of regulation on the Internet, are the standards on which it runs. Those standards should be open for all, built and maintained on a transparent way so that any one interested in studying them, or making a contribution, can do so without any impediment.
Most importantly, those standards should be freely available for all to use while not being under the control of any particular entity, whether it is private or public. Granting any level of control over a standard to any entity, private or public, we run the risk of having any part of the Internet that uses that standard, being hijacked because of any interests that entity by have on doing so. Worse, if it goes down, whatever the reason may be, there will be a need to replace that standard because no one outside that entity know the details of how it works.
Whether the governments, or private companies, want or not, the Internet has become a place where they shouldn't say any power at all. It belongs to everyone, and to no one in particular.
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