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Critical thinking...

It's sad how much critical thinking is lacking, sometimes as much as common sense it seems. The lack critical thinking brings several problems, the main one being that people just accept what they are told without actually analyzing the information given to them.

The fact that people don't apply critical thinking when they receive new information, means that misinformation, even lies, become accepted by many and continue to be passed on as if they are correct. What can be more problematic, is the fact that when those pieces of information become so rooted in people's mind that are near impossible to change.

One important aspect of critical thinking that needs to be understood, is that when applied correctly the person analyzes the information handed over. It isn't about criticizing the information just because, is filtering to see if it makes sense. In a way, we are compering with the information we already have in order to see if there is something that shouldn't be there or just odd.

If there is, we need to see what jumps us as odd to see why and make the necessary adjustments.

By being critical thinkers, we aren't out there to tell people they are wrong. We are just applying a filter to new ideas and information, in order to keep the those that actually useful to apply later. In many way, it helps us to better ourselves by making sure we are get what we need in order to become better.

It's important that critical thinking becomes an ability given to every person, in order not only to build a better world. But also to give people to become better by their own hand, by being able to know what's good information when they come to it.

Critical thinking is the best tool we can give our children to better themselves, and the world, in the long run.
