The data that each individual generates, should belong only to the individual who generates. Thus, each individual should be the one who can access it and how much of it they can see.
Our privacy is based on our control over the data we create. So, we need to keep doing all we can to make sure that our privacy is kept intact. There is no valid reason why our data should be collected and shared without our consent and permission. Every time our data is collected and stored by a third party, we should be made aware of the fact, and our permission should be obtained to do so. If we don't give our permission, out data shouldn't be stored at all.
If the government wants to investigate on us, and gather data the data we have generated, they should always have to have prove that they have a probable cause. As such, if they can't prove a probable cause it should be illegal for the government to do so.
People should be able to presume some level of privacy every where they go, at all times. Each one of us should be at control of our privacy, as such our privacy should be legally protected. If someone takes intruded on it without our permission, or a legally valid motive to do so, we should be able to do something against that.
We all have things that we want to keep for ourselves, and we need to be reasonably confident that we can keep them that way. No all that we keep private is illegal, as such we need to be entitled to privacy.
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