After what it seems like an eternity, Nokia finally released an Android device. To be honest, it was something that I really wanted to happen for a long time, but the timing seems to be against it. With Microsoft's deal to acquire Nokia, there isn't much chance that it will continue to have an Android device for long.
Nokia was my favorite mobile phone manufacturer until it made the deal to make Window's phone exclusively. As many said at the time, it was an ill fated alliance that saw the downfall of one of my favorite brands.
One can just wonder what if Nokia had produced Android devices along Windows, though it's hard to imagine that it could have had the same result as we have now. I'd say that Nokia could have made some of the best Android smartphones if it had worked on them, since they showed with it's N9 smartphone. It was the last Nokia device that I really coveted, since then there hasn't been one that I really wanted to have.
For me having Nokia producing smartphone with Android was simply one of the best things that could ever happen. Been an FLOSS advocate, having Nokia's weight behind a project like Android would have been fantastic, but alas it seems that now it will never be.
Even if it is hoping against all hope, I just wish that Nokia doesn't kill their Android device.
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