With the Women's day at hand, there is a lot of things to ponder about how far women have come over the last century and how much there is left to do for women to reach equality with men.
There can't be any question about the fact that women have proven just as men, and can do all men can just as well. We have examples like Marie Curie, Linda B. Buck, Ada Lovelace, Hedy Lamarr, to name a few, who have more than demonstrated that women have as much to offer as men can. They don't need men to patronize them, or to give them any more help that a man needs to contribute to the advancement of science and technology.
Now more than ever, we need to put in place a system that allows women to contribute freely and as true equals to their male counterparts. While there have been improvements, there aren't enough to level the playing field to allow women to work as a peer.
Its offensive that some propose that women need to be given special places, or treated in a different way than men. They need to be given the same chance that men receive, and let the results of their work speak for them. What's needed is to change things so that gender becomes irrelevant when considering how competent is, and let the results of the work have the most weight when it comes to this.
Until we can say that gender has no role on how we judge a person's work quality, we can't say we live in a fair society. What's more, until women can enter the science and technology fields without people being surprised about it we can't say that women have the same chances than men do.
Women belong at science laboratories, and technology development places, just as much as men do. It's up to each women to decide if she wants to follow that road. That's her prerogative to take, and no one can take that from her.
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