There are many arguments on how modern technology is dehumanizing people, yet I think that modern technology is changing what it means to be human. There has been several technologies that have changed the curse of humanity through out history, yet it's hard to pick a time in history in which technology has changed humanity as much, and as deeply, so many aspects of humanity in such a relatively short time.
It's impressive how much technology has permeated to every day life, and how much we have come to expect it to just work. It has allowed us to do so much more, that it has augmented our experiences in ways that would be unimaginable just a few decades ago.
Not just what we can physically has been enhanced, but our minds and senses have been enhanced in ways that we can really understand yet.
In more than one way, this could mean a chance to make humanity better as a whole. Yet, it seems that how good this new chance is not yet certain because the signs are still somewhat mixed.
There are signs of a collective awakening of societies at large, and that there are connecting with each other. Which is good, because we need that so that the technologies we have can really be used and developed for the greater good.
Yet, I see corporations and governments trying to repress such a thing to happen with various degrees of success. They need the status quo to remain in power, and they are doing all they can to do so.
This is why we need to make FLOSS the norm, since its the best way we have to keep corporations and governments in check. FLOSS is not just technical choice, but an ethical one as well since it empowers the people rather than corporations or governments. It gives people the control over not only over their things, but over how they work and what they do.
Lets face it, those who want keep the people out of being able to control those things they own aren't doing it to benefit the people. The truth is that, they do so to keep control themselves and protect their interests. They are all about their own good, not the good of all.
We can still make things go our way, but we need to act together now.
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