With the Internet permeating all of lives, and becoming ever more integrated into our daily routines, it's easy forget that it's a tool. As such, it's best used when it enhances our lives and helps us to live a happier and fulfilling one.
The temptation to live our whole lives in the Internet, is one that many have found irresistible. In some ways, the drive to take failure out of lives as something to be avoided at all cost instead of a way of learning, has made many people not just afraid of it. It many cases, some individuals have become incapable of coping with it to the point of being unable to engage in daily life in a normal way.
For some, it was become a refuge where they can do thing without dealing with the consequences of their actions. The relative anonymity that it can still be found on the Internet lets them do some of the things they can't do otherwise.
At the end, many people fail to see that Internet is just a tool that allows people come together and engage with each other. How meaningful, positive and constructive this interactions are, is wholly dependent on how people choose to do so. When critics say that the Internet allows for bad behavior, or it brings negative things to the world, they forget that at the is the people who makes those things happen.
It's easy to blame the Internet, than actually face the fact that people are the ones responsible for their actions. We need to take our responsibility on how we use the Internet, and make sure to make responsible others for their actions as well. After all, the Internet is becoming a public square, where we all come together for our end and we should do so by respecting all others if we expect respect for ourselves.
As a public square, there is a space for everyone with our different interests and ideas. There will be places where some groups in particular will congregate, and some that will be more open to a wider audience. This natural flow should be allowed to happen, since that's part of human nature.
Yet, let's not forget that what we do in the Internet should be just a fraction of our life as a whole. So, live your whole life as fully as you can.
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