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Showing posts from April, 2017

Evie Launcher, one more app why I love Android...

I've been an Android fan for some time now, yet until recently I have used the launcher that came installed on the Mobo device I got. About 3 weeks ago I decided to try out some new launchers on the Mobo MB405 (link in Spanish) I got , since the one it has by default didn't really make it for me. After looking around a bit, I decided to give the Evie Launcher a try. Ever since I started using it, I fell in love with it. It's design, and just how it works, its very intuitive for me. From the start, it has been the best launcher app for how I use my smartphone. When I decided to give Evie a try, I did have some reservations about it. Yet, after 3 weeks of using it on a daily basis I just feel in love with it. I've been using Android for at least a couple of years now, and Evie is the first launcher that has made my devices feel as truly mine.

Mixed feeling about Ubuntu switching back to GNOME.

Since I heard the news that Ubuntu is switching back to GNOME by Ubuntu 18.04 LTS next year, I must admit I've some mixed feeling about it. I do understand the move, yet Unity has become my favorite user interface. Unity just works for me, and though you can make GNOME look like Unity I still would prefer not having to do that. Back when Ubuntu used GNOME 2, I loved it. It simply it was a joy to use, and it was one of the main reasons why I want for Ubuntu as my distro of choice. Then GNOME 3 came along, and while I do like it, I made the jump to Linux Mint to try it's Cinnamon user interface. At this time, it was a new piece of software and for whatever reason I hit a lot of bugs that interfered with my user experience. It has come a long way since then, and it became my 2nd favorite user interface. At the time, I heard a lot of bad things about Unity. But, I decided to come back to Ubuntu and at least give it a try. I just fell in love with it, since it ...

Learn to set your pase based on the moment you are in...

It seems that many people has lost the ability to change pase, I mean to slow down or move faster depending on the situation they are at. The worst part of it, is that many seem unable to slow down and enjoy family, friends or just a nice meal. Let's face it, the pase we are moving at has to go along with the moment we are at. Sometimes we have to speed things up, while in others we need to slow down. The ability to recognize these moments, and set our pase accordingly, is key not only for success, but for our well being. Not being able to speed up at the right moment means lost opportunities. Yet, being unable to slow down means that we miss creating, or strengthening, bonds with people around us that make our lives a lot better. Also, it means we won't rest and recover physically and mentally to be take opportunities as they present themselves to us. The key to find balance in our lives, is recognizing what's going around us and them set the pase that we need...