After a couple of years I decided to come back to Linux Mint. I was prompted to make the jump back after learning Ubuntu is going back to use GNOME 3 as its desktop environment by the 18.04 LTS.
Though I somewhat like GNOME 3, it doesn't really fit my needs or expectations. And while there are ways to make it work like Unity, personally I rather not do so if I can use another desktop environment that works and feels from the start.
Linux Mint has been, along with Ubuntu, one of my favorite operating systems. I usually elected Ubuntu because Unity had a slight advantage over Linux Mint Cinnamon desktop environment. The main reason for this was that Unity was a better fit for me, and that I simply liked it a bit more. I've always found Linux Mint to be a solid Linux distro, I just felt that Cinnamon had to mature a bit more.
The version of Linux Mint I'm using now is the 18.1 Serena, using Cinnamon 3.2.7. So far, I really would recommend it to anyone who wants a solid easy to use OS. Cinnamon has really come a long way, and has earn its place as my favorite desktop environment. In a way it gives credence to Linux Mint motto that from freedom came elegance.
And it not only helps Linux Mint an elegant OS, it makes it easy to use while it has a lot of ways to make it look and feel like you want it to. You can really make it feel yours easily.
Coming back to Linux Mint really felt like coming back home. And this time I'm planning to stay.
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