I find it both amusing, and frustrating, how some people seem to always be complaining how technology has changed things from what they used to know. It makes everything different, and how they wished all would go back to how things used to be.
What most people seem to miss, is that new technology changes the world around us. The printing press, the steam engine, radio, the car, all these technologies meant changes so big that they mark a before and an after. The thing is, that the people who where at the middle of the change can't conceive a world without the technologies that they used. They seem to forget there was a time when people had to make do without a telephone for example, or a steam engine that make certain tasks easier.
For those who experience the world before, during, and after certain technologies became common place are able to compere. Yet, many bemoan the evils of those new technologies while reaping the benefits of their use. Or sometimes, they fail to adapt to the changes that come with them making it hard to connect with those who actually came to use the new technologies with ease.
The main difference today, is that new technologies seem to keep coming our way faster than ever before in human history. And it has been this way for over a century now, making even hard to keep up with them and at the same time to gauge how those changes impact us. Now we have to learn how to keep our ability to adapt on for far longer longer, because learning how to use new technologies as they come is now vital to keep current.
I don't think that technology dehumanizes. It rather makes us question what it means to be human, and how we interact with the world. It brings what is already inside all of us, making it visible to more people. Technology is amoral, we are the ones who are moral. Humans are the ones who decide to use things for good or evil, not the other way around.
We should be asking ourselves how to teach the new generations how to think critically, so they can act in a way that'll bring the best out of them in order to benefit the most people as possible. Its not technology that is good, or evil, in itself. The answer lays on how we use it.
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