It is somewhat ironic that the so called snowflake generation is called that way not because they are actually weak, but because they are standing up to all those things that previous generations just didn't do. And while at times those stances have been taken to extremes, it could be said that many of their detractors don't like the idea that they younger people will question them, and act in order to stand against wrongs not only committed against them, but also to others.
When people who justify doing something is right, or wrong, by saying that is has been done a certain way for since they can remember miss the point that isn't justification to keep doing that way. Just because our grandparents, and parents, did something a certain way doesn't justify keep doing so if there is a better way to do so.
Just because bulling wasn't called out, doesn't mean we shouldn't call it out now. That it wasn't called that way before, it doesn't mean that it didn't exist. So with many things like homophobia, acts of racism, and so on. And just because they were tolerated before, it doesn't mean we have to keep tolerating them.
What offends many about the so called snowflake generation, is they are actually calling them out for what they are. And as such, they are making them face what they don't want to face, such as their own racism, classism and homophobia. The anger that people have against so called snowflakes, is that they are being forced to start treating others in ways that makes them feel that they stop having the control they had over them.
They no longer can just expect to be respected and listened to just because they are older, or have a position of authority. Now they have to earn that respect, and actually listen to those on the other side.
And having to do so, is something they never thought they would have to do.
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