I've noticed at work that there is a lot of misgivings about using technology we have at hand to work in better, even if it means doing things in a different way. It feels like people are scared of changing how we have worked so far, even when it has proved to work and it is better for us to make the changes to the processes to benefit everyone involved.
It feels like we are wasting valuable opportunities to improve things in ways that will benefit both the costumers and us in the long run. We could be finding ways to better serve our costumers, while making work easier and more enjoyable for us using the tools already in place. There is room for improvement, but the baseline is already there to start the move, and make in a way that that will help us improve our workflow with the input of those who will interact with tools directly.
As it is, I feel we are chasing what others are already doing instead of setting things in our own terms. Investment is done to catch up with were technology is now, instead of at least riding the wave. We are behind the curve, and its putting a lot of strain on how much we can compete in the marketplace.
The biggest hurdle is that there is a lack of will to do something about it, and it taking a negative tool on everyone. Hope time would prove me wrong, but it seems it won't be that way.
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