The fact the the right to repair our cars, electronics, home appliance, and other thing we own, isn't a given or something that has to be legislated about is ludicrous. The option of repairing thing that we own, like smartphones and microwaves, should always be an option.
Specially since being able to extend the life of devices helps our pockets, since most of the time repairing is cheaper that replacing, it also means less waste over time. Yet, most importantly we paid to be able to fully own our devices.
Companies shouldn't be able to artificially restrict our right to repair what we own, by raising artificial walls to prevent us to repair the devices we purchased from them. That we can't repair our devices artificially shortens the lifespan of our devices, and only benefits the companies by forcing us to buy a new one we want it or not.
Not only that, repairs should be able to be performed by third parties or even by the owners of the devices. Such repairs shouldn't be a risk to companies intellectual property, specially when a way for companies are given the ways to protect it and third parties are given the tools to make such repairs without risking the respective intellectual properties.
It is important to bring attention to the fact, the most third parties don't want, or need, to steal the intellectual property of the companies who own it. They just need the pertinent information to make the repairs asked for by their costumers. Even if they need access to software to test repairs, they just need the tools to verify the repair is done correctly, even if they see how the tools actually work.
If anything is needed, is to make sure that the framework needed to protect intellectual property while making repairs easily accessible for consumers the norm. Consumers should be able to repair their devices easily, and to choose who makes the repair.
At the end of the day, consumers should have the final choice to repair or renew the devices they own.
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