I've Linux Mint 21.3 Virginia for a couple of weeks now, and coming coming from 21.2 Victoria it has been quite a nice upgrade. While it isn't a groundbreaking upgrade, the OS feels great. Personally, the one of the best things that came with the upgrade is being able to verify the ISO image with a right click. Which is important for me, since I like to make a live USB of the newest release of Linux Mint to make a clean install when needed, or just install Linux Mint on a new Laptop when I upgrade my system. Another thing I like, is that testing to move to Wayland started with this Linux Mint release. While Wayland isn't expected to come at least until 2025, the fact that testing has begun is a good thing. To be honest, with each new release Linux Mint cements itself as my go to Linux distro . It has the right balance of offering access to the modern software without braking things by being on the bleeding edge. As such, it just works and it gives me what I need to bei...
My point of view on technology and how it affects our life.