I've Linux Mint 21.3 Virginia for a couple of weeks now, and coming coming from 21.2 Victoria it has been quite a nice upgrade. While it isn't a groundbreaking upgrade, the OS feels great.
Personally, the one of the best things that came with the upgrade is being able to verify the ISO image with a right click. Which is important for me, since I like to make a live USB of the newest release of Linux Mint to make a clean install when needed, or just install Linux Mint on a new Laptop when I upgrade my system.
Another thing I like, is that testing to move to Wayland started with this Linux Mint release. While Wayland isn't expected to come at least until 2025, the fact that testing has begun is a good thing.
To be honest, with each new release Linux Mint cements itself as my go to Linux distro. It has the right balance of offering access to the modern software without braking things by being on the bleeding edge. As such, it just works and it gives me what I need to being productive at work and access I need to relax on my free time.
I'm looking forward to Linux Mint 22 later this year, while I expect it to come with a bigger set of changes it all points that it will be just another great release by the Linux Mint team.
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