Ever since I started using laptops exclusively for both work and personal use, I've found that laptops are the best option for me than PCs . Mainly because laptops fit my mobile life style, and they allow me to work or do all what I do on the personal side of my life wherever I am the moment. What I have made laptops my favorite computer form factor, is the fact that laptops just fit my life style the most. The ability that I can bring my computer with me, no matter where I go, is something that just enjoy and come to appreciate. If you add that Linux Mint works with most of the hardware out there, is the icing in the cake. Linux Mint just works better for me than Windows . Specially now that, I can access I need for work via Remmina , or an web app via a web browser , for work. It makes a lot easier to use Linux Mint for everything in my life. And with Flatpak , I've seen a lot more apps being made available while being easier to install. For example Microsoft Edge or Bra...
My point of view on technology and how it affects our life.