In this article about Google Chrome , there are two main things that I take from it. To begin with, that no software is perfect. As such, all software will have some issues that will affect users in some ways. There is no such thing as a perfect software, there are always issues from security flaws to take care of to quirks that make it do unexpected things from time to time. Some of this bugs won't be a problem to most people, while they can be a deal breaker for other. Good software, will keep this to a minimum. Yet, there will be some for whom it just won't work. Trying to to frame those users as being the guilty ones is not fair, since it's not their fault that the software doesn't work for them. On the other hand, the developers of the software can't be expected to make their product one that works perfectly for everyone who uses it. I'm aware that browsers are a special kind of software that will cover the needs of a broader set of user. B...
My point of view on technology and how it affects our life.