After a couple of years I decided to come back to Linux Mint . I was prompted to make the jump back after learning Ubuntu is going back to use GNOME 3 as its desktop environment by the 18.04 LTS. Though I somewhat like GNOME 3, it doesn't really fit my needs or expectations. And while there are ways to make it work like Unity , personally I rather not do so if I can use another desktop environment that works and feels from the start. Linux Mint has been, along with Ubuntu, one of my favorite operating systems. I usually elected Ubuntu because Unity had a slight advantage over Linux Mint Cinnamon desktop environment. The main reason for this was that Unity was a better fit for me, and that I simply liked it a bit more. I've always found Linux Mint to be a solid Linux distro, I just felt that Cinnamon had to mature a bit more. The version of Linux Mint I'm using now is the 18.1 Serena, using Cinnamon 3.2.7. So far, I really would recommend it to anyone who wan...
My point of view on technology and how it affects our life.