After three years of using Linux Mint for work, mainly accessing the work server via remote desktop or web app , I can say that it just works. Due to several factors, the company I work for decided to use a Windows server in order for us to access the software we need to do our work. And it has proved to be quite a good decision, since it has simplified the software management by the IT department, and help everyone to be able to work remotely when needed. Specially the sales team, because they are almost always on the move. Personally, it has helped me to better manage my work flow and to keep on top on deadlines. I just like the fact that I can better balance my work-life better, though it would be better if we could work remotely at least a couple of days a week. Whats more, it has given me even more arguments for me not to return to Windows. Linux Mint work a lot better for me, and I rather use free and open-source software as much as possible. And as the old Linux Mint ta...
My point of view on technology and how it affects our life.