Last Sunday I heard part of the discourse given by AMLO at down town Cuernavaca, and it worries me how many people are willing to believe just about anything.
And what worries me the most, is that most people don't seem to really think what is being told to them. It seems that they accept as a fact whatever is told to them by anyone who has any level of authority or sounds like whatever they want to hear.
Other thing that bugs me, is that many people don't seem to question the bare minimum to try to understand what is being said about any given subject. Most of the time, if it looks good they stay at that level. It seems that appearances are far more important than the content. It seems that no matter how many times they see how good looking thing crumble to the ground because they had no support, they are still willing to keep going to good looking things.
If we want to build long lasting to our problems, we need to look beyond of what it looks good. We need to find the best solutions that actually work, and sometimes it means that we have to think beyond of what we have now.
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