It's sad to see how many people complain about things don't worry, or how their needs are not being attended to, and when given the chance to do something about it they choose to stay and do things the same way.
They ask for change, but when change comes to their doorstep they choose not to take it.
I've been seeing it happing a lot more often than I'd like. People demanding some sort of change, and when an opportunity comes to make that change happen they just freak out and don't capitalize that opportunity. Most of the time it happens because many expect to change come in a certain way, and at certain time.
When it comes in some other way, some times they don't see it. But, it's sad when the opportunity is seen and not taken because it didn't come as they wanted it to come. Instead of taking the chance to change and making it work their way, they just let it go without realizing that the missed opportunity might not come again in a long time.
Most of the time, change won't happen the way we expect it to happen. The change presents itself in many ways, and we must be ready to cease it. It's up to us to make it happen, in the best possible manner. No one else has the responsibility to give us the change we look for, or to make it work our way.
And, in order to bring change, we have to give something in exchange. No thing in life comes for free, and at the end we have to pay for our actions.
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