Many people seems to have trouble with the private sector, since every time they hear that a private company is to be involved in anything they have something against it.
In many cases I find it to be both sad and irksome, since the ones opposing the private sector involvement are themselves part of the private sector. There is a need to understand what the private sector really is, and how it works.
The private sector in itself isn't evil, and can truly be an important engine for the development of the society at large. Any healthy society needs a private sector that is vital, since it can generate and foster innovation faster than the public sector ever could. Private companies, and individuals, have more motivation to actually do things better and in a more efficient manner.
For me, the private sector should be more involved in doing things and working in the way it seems fit. The free market is a far better way to screen which companies and individuals have the better ideas and products to fulfill the needs of the one who use them.
Individuals should have more freedom to choose how and for who they will work for. There shouldn't be any artificial barriers to do so, since this doesn't help the individuals to grow and work on things that bring the most benefits to society at large. Rules should be set up so that in innovation is given top priority, and people feel confident to invest on it in the long run.
Both, individuals and organizations, need to be certain that they can interact among themselves with few restrictions. The regulations should be as few as possible, and only made to make the field of play as leveled as possible.
Everybody should be free to interact with whom they want, in any way they see fit to do so.
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