It can be really depressing how many people actually expect that someone else to come to solve their problems, and it that doesn't happen they just moan on how bad things are for them.
If more people came to realize that the key to solve most of the problems, if not all, is in their own hands the world would be a different place.
Most of the changes needed to solve the problems each person have is within. Of course some problems are harder to solve that other, but there is no problem that can't be solved in one way or another. The only thing that it's needed to fix whatever we want, is the will to find the way to do so.
The key to arrive to a solution, resides in being able to pay attention on what is what behaviors are the ones that take us to the outcome that we want to change. All is in what actions are the ones that make things happen the way they do, not the outcomes.
By fixing on the outcomes, we don't see the complete picture of what is going on to make those outcomes happen. The most important question us why things happen as they do, if we don't attack those root causes the solution to our problems will elude us.
So, if you want to have lasting solutions to your problems attack the root causes. If you don't do so, you are setting yourself for failure.
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