I've being doing a lot of thinking about the importance of having an open and free society, and how on many occasions society itself is one of the biggest obstacles to obtaining such open and free state.
Mainly because most of the people simply don't care enough to take the action they need to make in order to have the openness and freedom they claim to want.
This kind of society requires active participation of its members, in order to take depositions on how to manage the working of the interactions of its members. The fewer people know and take decisions, the easier is to make them behind close door and benefiting just a few.
How things are now, all is structure in gear toward being closed as possible in order to facilitate the taking of decisions by small groups in the name of the community at large. If we want to change this, we all need to start taking actions to retake control of the decisions that should be ours. We have the right to have access, and participate, in anything that affects us in any shape or form.
It is in our best interest that all that is done in the name of the community is done in an open way. Also important to us all, is that all members of the community are free to participate in whatever way they seem appropriate to their interests.
What is done in the name of the community, should always be done in an open to all the members of it. And all members of the community must be free to participate in any way each individual wants to.
But, having such a society requires that all of us remain engaged in what happens in our community. The moment we stop being active and give more power to others to take decisions for us, the easier it becomes for others for them to do as they see fit without the community being able to do much about it.
At the end, it is in out best interest to make sure that all decisions that are made in the name of the community we live in are open to all of the members of our community. And, that all the members are free to participate on them.
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