By principle, I oppose anything that limits the individual rights to do as he wants with what he owns or with his skills.
Each individual should be able to use his skill set and charge for it as he sees fit, without having any interference from a third party. The same goes with any property he has. He should be able to exchange it as he sees fit, even to modify it in any way it serves his interests.
The limitations set, should only be the ones put in place by the parties involved in the transaction as it suits the interests of everyone directly involved in it.
If we want to progress as individuals and as a society, we should have the freedom to use all the tools we need at our disposal and be able to modify them as we need. Also, we need to be able to share the information with other people with no interference. This is helpful, so it helps to innovate or get to solutions that other wise we wouldn't be able to do or would take more time that what is practical.
No single party, or group, should be able to control how we manage our daily life or decide who has access to which information. Both need to be free, and have the bare minimum rules so we can function in a practical level.
Yet, those set of rules should be set not by a group but by the community that will use them. And, they should be easy to modify as needed, since things change and rules need to be adjusted accordingly.
Anything that limits our ability to freely exchange our resources with each other, should be avoided.
Each individual should be able to move from one community to another as he sees fit, without being impeded in any sort of way that is not necessary or that makes it difficult to move as the individual sees fit to his interests.
The freedom to do as one believes, is what important to create the environment that foster society to move forward. If we don't evolve and adapt, we don't have a future.
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