
We don't need SOPA....

It's sad that the US is even thinking about setting something like SOPA. For me it's also strikes me as hypocritical, since it's something that US government has criticized about other governments around like world.

But, what worries me the most is that SOPA doesn't really protect the rights of the people. SOPA is framed to protect the interest of big companies. To make it worst, many of those companies have outdated business models that they want to keep instead of innovating.

I don't want my rights being stepped over by companies that refuse to change their models. Why should risk being framed as a criminal just because I mentioned a company, or a product, just because it doesn't like the way I did so?

The Internet should be a free field for the exchange of information. It is imperative that we keep special interest from broking it in any shape or form, so that every one can access the information he or she needs to keep informed and in contact with other people.

For all matters and purposes, the Internet belongs to everyone. No group, country, or company should have any say on what can be done or said over the Internet. Building any kind of barrier is detrimental for everyone, since the Internet is a tool that enables us to share ideas and information with other people from places it wouldn't be able to do so in other way.

In many ways, the Internet enables innovation by making possible to share ideas far and wide. Thus, any ideas gets more exposure enabling others to have a possibility to come with something new, or a new way to use things.

So, we should stand against any measure as SOPA by principle.

1 comment:

  1. Always enjoy reading your blog. What are your thoughts about Protect-IP Act?


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