I've been wondering for sometime now, how long will take for many companies to stop trying to keep people from tinkering with the software and hardware they produce.
It would be most useful for them to harness the work of the tinkers that work on their products, and use that work to further the development of those products. They should be working more like the lead of a greater project, by doing so they can receive benefits that would be otherwise lost.
Other benefits from embracing the work of tinkers, is that they'll be better salesmen for their products because they know them just as well as the engineers and designers who originally work on the project. And the tinkers are more trusted by the people around them, than a representative of the company would ever be.
Not only that, tinkers can actually help to spot and fix any kind of problem that wasn't seen during the development process in a more effective and timely manner. Thus freeing in-house developers to do other functions that require better equipment, or is more important to the company.
Tinkers are not an enemy, they are a valuable ally that can give a lot more back that he or she can take away.
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